Japan Futures Research Center

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   System Dynamics  
   Public Money   


Working Papers

Money and Macroeconomic Dynamics

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JFRC Working Papers

The Long-Run Endogenous Money-Interest ASD Model of the Debt Money System (Part IV) (JFRC 01-2024) (New!)
    -- Built-in Unfair Income Distribution and Inflation --
     by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

The Long-Run Endogenous Money ASD Model of the Debt Money System (Part III) (JFRC 02-2023) (New!)
    -- A Paradigm Shift in Macroeconomics --
     by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

The Endogenous Money ASD Model of the Debt Money System (Part II-Revised) (JFRC 01-2023) (New!)
   -- Loanable Funds vs Endogenous Money --
      by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

The Endogenous Money IS-LM Model of the Debt Money System (Part I) (JFRC 01-2022)
    -- A Paradigm Shift in Macroeconomics --
     by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

・The Endogenous Money ASD Model of the Debt Money System (Part II) (JFRC 02-2022)
   -- Loanable Funds vs Endogenous Money -- (Please refer to Part II-Revised above)
      by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

Money Stock As Total Debts (JFRC 01-2021)
    -- A Case Study on the Financial Accounts of the United States
    by Yokei Yamaguchi

Making Macroeconomic Models of Japan (Research Note in Progress, 2021)
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

Modeling Cross-Border Payments and Foreign Exchange Dynamics (JFRC 01-2020)
   -- Correspondent Accounts Framework --
    by Yokei Yamaguchi

Money Stock Equals Total Debts by Banks (JFRC 01-2019)
 -- Theory and Flow of Funds Analysis in Japan --
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

Constructing ASD Macroeconomic Model of the Republic of Turkey (2002-2017)  (JFRC 02-2019)
   -- Integrated Analysis of GDP and Flow of Funds (Phase 1) --
      byKaoru Yamaguchi, Seyid Fahri Mahmud, Seyied Amjad Ali, Cagatay Tellia, Ali Emre Mutlu,
       Mustafa Resit Bulut and Yokei Yamaguchi

Modeling Deposit Creation and Policy Transmission Channel via Money Market Rate (JFRC 03-2019)
      -- Initial Implications on Stabilization Policy --
    by Yokei Yamaguchi

Money Stock = Total Domestic Debts (JFRC 04-2019)
  -- New Theory of Debt Money --
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

Transform of Anger to Acquaintance -- SD model of "Tempest" (JFRC 05-2019)
    by Toru Suetake

Understanding History with Business Model (JFRC 06-2019)
    by Toru Suetake

Modeling An EPM-token Experiment (JFRC No. 01-2018)
    -- Accounting System Dynamics Analysis --
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

Fundamentals of the ASD Model as an Alternative to SMM (JFRC 02-2018)
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi

Public Money, Debt Money and Blockchain-based Money Classified (JFRC No. 01-2017)
    -- EPM as Money of the Futures --
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

・  Peer-to-Peer Public Money System (JFRC No. 02-2016) (Final Version as of Mar. 14, 2017)
      -- Focusing on Payments -- 
      (Joint paper to be presented at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Region System Dynamics Conference of 
        the System Dynamics Society at the National University of Singapore, Feb. 19-22, 2017)
    by Yokei Yamaguchi and Kaoru Yamaguchi

・ Head and Tail of Money Creation and its System Design Failures (JFRC No. 01-2016)
        -- Toward the Alternative System Design --
      (Presented version at the 34th International Conf. of the System Dynamics, July18, 2016, at Delft, The Netherlands)
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi

Other Publications

   Use-PSS rebound: Carbon footprint reduction potential of clothing rental subscription with consideration of direct economic rebound effect

    by Yoshitaka Miura, March 2021

   Developing an ASD Macroeconomic Model of the Stock Approach - With Emphasis on Bank Lending and Interest Rates
    by Yokei Yamaguchi, July 2017

   ASD Macroeconomic Model of Japan on the Flow of Funds and National Accounts -- Report on its Early Stage Development
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi and Yokei Yamaguchi, July 2015

   From Debt Money to Public Money System -- Modeling A Transition Process Simplified
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi, July 2014

   Principle of Accounting System Dynamics
    -- Modeling Corporate Financial Systems --
    by Kaoru Yamaguchi, July 2003

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